Frequently Asked Questions
- How does my Federation schedule an ISG clinic?
- When does my clinic request need to be submitted?
- Why does the request need to be submitted so early?
- Who plans ISG clinic agendas?
- What costs are involved in conducting an ISG clinic?
- Can my company link to the ISG website?
- In what way are speakers chosen for ISG clinics?
How does my Federation schedule an ISG clinic?The first step in scheduling an ISG clinic in your country is to visit the Contact Us page, and either send us an email or complete the form provided and hit "submit." Once the form has been received, one of the ISG officers will contact you for further information. Since ISG is a non-profit organization, its ability to hold clinics is limited by the budget provided by its sponsors. In the past, this budget has allowed ISG to conduct 8-10 clinics per winter season. Federations should request clinics early to guarantee a spot on the ISG clinic schedule.
When does my clinic request need to be submitted? Planning for ISG clinics begins in April of each year. If your Federation wishes to host an ISG clinic, the request should be submitted prior to the end of May. This allows time for ISG to contact potential speakers and plan clinic agendas that fit the needs of each host federation.
Why does the request need to be submitted so early? Because most ISG clinics feature a professional coach and a college coach, ISG needs to contact potential speakers early so that they may check their availability in the following winter. Many professional speakers are involved in winter baseball instructional programs and college coaches also have duties. Often times, if a particular speaker is an expert in pitching, then ISG would try to compliment that speaker with a hitting coach. Starting the planning process early in the year allows ISG the leverage to match speakers to the needs of each individual Federation.
Who plans ISG clinic agendas? ISG has been conducting clinics since 1985 and has had extensive experience in planning meaningful clinic agendas. Once a clinic date has been set, ISG officials will confer with Federation officers as to the appropriate topics to be covered at each clinic. This assures a cooperative venture that will be a positive aid to coaching education.
What costs are involved in conducting an ISG clinic? The winter clinics are cooperative projects between ISG and the host Federation. Air fares to and from the host clinic city and honorariums for each speaker are covered by ISG Baseball. Host Federations are expected to cover lodging, food, and local transportation for the ISG Clinic Team during the time period in which the clinic is held. Expenses involved in an ISG clinic can be easily recouped through clinic fees charged to participants. ISG experts can help you by suggesting other sources of income.
Can my company link to the ISG website? ISG proudly and exclusively promotes its sponsors at each clinic it conducts. Each sponsor is also provided a link on this website. If you would like to explore becoming a partner with ISG in promoting baseball world-wide, contact us by visiting the "Contact Us" page
In what way are speakers chosen for ISG clinics? ISG has consistently provided quality, cutting-edge speakers for its worldwide clinics. A quick visit to the "History" page of this site shows a list of the Who's Who in baseball instruction that have been a part of an ISG clinic. We pride ourselves in selecting highly informative, motivational clinicians to work at our clinics. If you are a college or professional coach, have an interest in educating coaches, and would like to be a presenter at one of next year's ISG clinics, contact us at the links provided on the "Contact Us" page.